The Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholars and Fellows Program offers a oneyear clinical research training experience for graduate level U.S. students, residents,
fellows, or recent graduates (within 3 years) in the health professions. This is an
opportunity for highly motivated individuals to experience mentored research training at
research centers in developing countries. If you are accepted for a scholarship, then
Africa, Asia and the Americas are regions of the world that you may find yourself
experiencing. This program is designed primarily for students, residents, or fellows
meeting with a strong potential for a career in international health activities and/or
clinical research; advanced standing in a U.S. medical or osteopathic school; or
enrollment in a doctoral level program at a U.S. school of public health, nursing, dentistry
or other school in the health sciences where global health research may be a career goal.
The term will begin with an intensive orientation and training program on the NIH
campus in Bethesda, Maryland in July of each year. This will be followed by at least 10
months of intense research training at the foreign site.