Get involved

Getting involved

How would one get involved in international ophthalmology?


Fortunately, there are many avenues for learning about the preparations, techniques and mindset that one must learn in order to be effective as a teacher or surgeon in developing areas of the world.


A good start would be the newer basic science series on International Ophthalmology.  This text outlines diseases that are common and also efforts that have gone on in famous hospitals such as LV Prasad and Aravind Eye Hospitals in India.


Seek out the conferences and lectures at the AAO and ASCRS that involve topics of interest to international volunteering.  The Christian Ophthalmology Society has an excellent summer meeting emphasizing mission topics and techniques.  Casey Eye Institute sponsors an interational forum every other year.  Their next conference should be in 2013.


Excellent online resources include:


Learn as much as you can about different mission agencies and what their specific niche is.  Most doctors do not need to start their own nonprofit to engage internationally.


Please use our forum here to begin dialogues as well.


Overall, ask plenty of questions and be open minded.


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